Managing access to Fedora 27 workstation with FreeIPA and HBAC

If you are trying to create an HBAC rule in FreeIPA to allow users to log on to Fedora 27 workstations via GDM, you will need to do the following: - Create a new HBAC service in FreeIPA, called "systemd-user" - Create an HBAC rule that includes "gdm", "gdm-password", and "systemd-user", granting access to your … Continue reading Managing access to Fedora 27 workstation with FreeIPA and HBAC

Organizing life with Taskwarrior and Inthe.Am

I have tried many task management solutions over time, and for the first time have found something that doesn't annoy me after a month.  For almost a year now, I've been using Taskwarrior and Inthe.Am quite successfully to manage both my work tasks and my personal tasks. My requirements are seemingly simple: Tasks with due dates and projects … Continue reading Organizing life with Taskwarrior and Inthe.Am

Deobfuscating malware by hand

Somehow, I became a proud new owner of a piece of (somewhat) malicious code tonight.  Once making sure it was properly neutered, and after running it through VirusTotal and being surprised by how few (9/55) engines were detecting it, I decided to take a look. Sub HCYh58Llju(ByRef iKvmUvcYr3wp, ByVal Q3REKGitD, ByVal kwoeg8c) iKvmUvcYr3wp = Split(Q3REKGitD, kwoeg8c) End Sub … Continue reading Deobfuscating malware by hand