Adopt the cloud, kill your IT career

…You might be eager to relinquish responsibility of a cranky infrastructure component and push the headaches to a cloud vendor, but in reality you aren’t doing that at all. Instead, you’re adding another avenue for the blame to follow. The end result of a catastrophic failure or data loss event is exactly the same whether you own the service or contract it out. The difference is you can’t do anything about it directly. You jump out of the plane and hope that whoever packed your parachute knew what he or she was doing….

Using the UITS SSH Gateway

Adding the following to your ~/.ssh/config will cause all SSH access to servers named * to hop through, authenticating as your NetID.  Note that if you have kinit’d as <NETID>/admin, or if you have copied your public SSH key to and are using ssh-agent, this will be transparent.

    ProxyCommand none

Host *
    ProxyCommand ssh -A <NETID> exec nc %h %p

Cross-posting …

Took me 15 minutes of searching and trying, but I eventually figured out how to get all posts tagged “linux” from my personal blog to be cross-posted here.

Check out the FeedWordPress plugin for WordPress — simply supply the remote RSS URL, and FeedWordPress will import posts directly into your WordPress site.