Comments on: July 1 2012 Linux problems? High CPU/Load? Probably caused by the Leap Second! /2012/07/july-1-2012-tomcat-problems-high-cpuload-probably-caused-by-the-leap-second/ Technology, Cyber Security, Digital Transformation, and Beer Mon, 02 Jul 2012 19:02:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brady /2012/07/july-1-2012-tomcat-problems-high-cpuload-probably-caused-by-the-leap-second/#comment-21 Mon, 02 Jul 2012 19:02:56 +0000 Thanks for this post! Server load dropped to normal levels immediately upon running the date reset command.

By: Tom Ansley /2012/07/july-1-2012-tomcat-problems-high-cpuload-probably-caused-by-the-leap-second/#comment-20 Mon, 02 Jul 2012 16:27:45 +0000 This post absolutely saved my life. We have tomcat containers and they hit 100% utilization at midnight and never dipped at all. I ran the single “date” command at the bottom of the post and everything immediately corrected. We are now back at under 8% utilization.

Nice job. I hope many others don’t hit their heads against a wall before seeing the post.
