So long, and Thanks for All the Fish

As I sent out to several mailing lists on 2012-12-20:


January 24th will be my last day at the University of Connecticut.  I have been offered, and have accepted, a fantastic opportunity with Red Hat Inc.  Having been in IT at UConn since 1996, this was not an easy decision for me – but this is an opportunity that I just cannot pass up.  I have truly enjoyed working with and learning from you all; I will miss you all greatly.

The Linux/Virtualization team here is establishing a transition plan to maintain service levels.  I will also be working with UITS Leadership to reduce the impact of my leaving on various organizational activities and initiatives.  If you have any concerns or questions, please let me know — I’d like to leave as few “loose-ends” as possible when I leave.

I will remain local, so please do keep in touch.  My personal email address will continue to be [email protected] .

So farewell UConn! Red Hat, here I come!

And for those that can’t use Google:,_and_Thanks_for_All_the_Fish