
I’ve just posted the first (and likely only) release of qif-util .

qif-utils is a very small set of small tools to manipulate QIF files, written sloppily in a very small amount of time.

Having used Gnucash very happily for a decade, I’ve always been irritated by the manual method I needed to perform to map transactions to accounts.  qif-util was written to automate some of that process, and has been posted in case anyone else can benefit from it.  However, do not rely on this code for anything significant — only about 20 hours was put into development, most being spent tweaking the output process to give me something usable.

qif-util currently provides 3 command line tools, written in Python – see the README for more information.

  • qif-augment inserts account name and type, and an initial transaction representing the opening balance of an account
  • qif-csv converts a QIF file into CSV (with columns hardcoded into the code)
  • qif-rules accepts a file of rules describing how to assign a category (“L” QIF code) to QIF transactions, based on matching fields in the transaction.  See the sample rules file for more information.

Why post such a trivial and unsupported set of tools?  Well, we are entering tax season in the U.S., QIF is still the most common financial export format out there, and I work for the best open source company out there and fully believe in sharing with the community.  So, if you find value out of these, please drop me a comment here.

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