Greater Hartford GNU/Linux Users Group

Are you in the Hartford area, and have an interest in Linux and FOSS, and want to meet a group of like-minded people?  Come join the Greater Hartford GNU/Linux Users Group!

I attended for the first time last night (2014-01-30), and will look to attend regularly (monthly).  Checkout the Meetup page:

One Year

Today marks the completion of a full year at Red Hat.  It has been an incredible year!  I find myself positively challenged daily, working with some of the smartest people I have ever met — both my colleagues within Red Hat, and the customers I get to work with.  I get the privilege of being able to work with Open Source technologies, and bring them to a great variety of enterprises.  And I have even found my niche within Red Hat’s Identity Management space (imagine that!).

I do miss my team and other friends at UConn.  UConn gave me great opportunity, both to gain strong technical skills, and to experience leadership, both formally as management, and informally as a mentor and vocal innovator.  I place great value in those first 13 years of my professional career, and I look forward to achieving similar gains in my next 13 years!

Need to deploy a quick JASIG CAS demo? Try jasig-cas-quickdemo!

My development activities on mod_auth_cas have significantly reduced over the past couple of years.  In trying to reinvigorate my development cycles around mod_auth_cas, I needed to deploy a CAS server.  Deploying CAS is already pretty straightforward — install Tomcat, generate SSL certs, deploy the CAS war, and enjoy.  However, I wanted to automate this process to make it easier to repeatedly redeploy a completely clean environment.

So, I have just posted jasig-cas-quickdemo to GitHub.

jasig-cas-quickdemo is a Maven project that does the following:

  • Downloads and builds the JASIG CAS project,
  • Uses the Maven Tomcat plugin, download deploy Tomcat 7,
  • Generates an SSL cert for HTTPS access, and exports the public cert in PEM format for use by CAS clients,
  • Launch CAS on the local Tomcat 7 instance, with the default username=passwored authenticationHandler,
  • Grants access to the ‘admin’ account for the Services Management interface.

Try the following on Fedora 19+:

$ yum install maven git
$ git clone
$ cd jasig-cas-quickdemo
$ mvn integration-test

Then just point your browser to https://localhost:8443/cas , and you should see the default CAS login screen.

Check out the README for more information.