Where is Java going?
The guys at The Basement Coders had a great chat with James Gosling, the father of Java. Gosling discusses his feelings on Oracle, Sun, IBM, NoSQL, and lots more.
Although even Gosling doesn’t know where Oracle is going to take Java, there is plenty in this interview to add to the drama.
Windows Live Spaces moving to WordPress.com !!!
Wow – never would have imagined this:
We’re excited to announce that WordPress.com is now the default blogging platform for Windows Live Spaces users. We’ve worked with our partners at Microsoft to create a simple migration service for Spaces bloggers to easily bring all their posts, comments, and photos to WordPress.com.
Two services I cannot live without …
There are two “cloud” services that I live by now:
- Dropbox – simple, replicated, multi-platform file hosting. Does one thing, and does it *really* well.
- Remember the Milk – online task management, with ability to share task lists.
Accessing these services from my Linux, Apple, and Windows PCs, *plus* my Android phone, really proves the power of the cloud, but even more proves the power of the small, innovative company. Simple service, simple business model, incredible functionality.
I just wish these services were available for on-site installation, so I could keep my head out of the clouds…
Cameo on the blog of UConn’s CIO
Email has changed. 15 years ago, email belonged only to those few that had an affiliation with a visionary organization, or paid a monthly fee for the privilege of an address ending in @prodigy.com or @compuserve.com . Today, email is a commodity …